15 Ways To Make Money With SEO

15 Ways To Make Money With SEO

Making money with SEO is a great way to earn a living online or supplement your income. You can do it all from the comfort of your own home, and you have the potential to make more money than what most people earn in their jobs.

While it may not be easy when you start, once you learn how to do it right, the profits will come. If you are interested in learning how to make money with SEO, here are 15 ways that can help you get started today.

15 Ways To Make Money With SEO


#1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money with SEO and earn passive income. If a person can do something on an ongoing basis, they will be very hard to compete against, and this is what you have as an affiliate marketer.

You can earn recurring income over a long period, making it extremely difficult for others to outrank you. For someone else to take your place, they would need a lot of traffic or competition from other affiliates in your niche.

Keep that in mind and use it as leverage when entering into any agreement to promote another product or service via SEO services or blog content. Don't pick the wrong product to promote, however.

Spend time on research to ensure you pick a product with enough demand for being ranked high in Google or other search engines.

The higher your domain ranks, the more likely it is that you can earn recurring income from just one transaction because of repeat traffic and sales. Affiliate marketing will also increase your earnings through leads and repeat sales.

It is, therefore, important to engage in affiliate marketing for you to earn more than you are currently making with SEO.

You can earn a living from making money with SEO by engaging in affiliate marketing, blogging, writing, and selling e-books on related topics. You can also make money doing one-off projects, such as writing blog posts or articles on related topics.

Moreover, you can make some extra funds by getting involved in forums that allow you to accept payments from clients who need your help to achieve ranking higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP).

Advertising is another method of earning money with SEO art, meaning that it will pay for itself in time. If you run your own blog or website, then all you have to do is place relevant and non-intrusive advertising that does not turn off.


#2. Create a High Traffic Blog

Create a High Traffic Blog

Having a high-traffic blog will enable you to earn more money because you will have more visitors coming to your blog. The more visitors you get, the higher your chances of earning affiliate commissions, display ads, and EPCs from AdSense are.

A way to increase traffic is through SEO. It is important to include keywords in your content that match you with a good title for you to get ranked well by Google when people search for those terms.

While it is not easy to get ranked by Google, it is very easy to make SEO. You can get ranked by staying committed, having persistence, and being an experienced writer. Take your time and learn from the best. Eventually, you will be able to rank higher and make money.

Creating a high-traffic blog is also important because it will not only increase your SEO earnings but it will also help increase the quality of your links, which will also increase your traffic.


#3. Write Blog Posts With Your Keyword in The title, Tags, and Content

Write Blog Posts With Your Keyword in The title, Tags, and Content

Start a blog on popular blogging sites like WordPress or Blogger. Write blog posts that have your keyword in the title, tags, and main body of the article. Your goal should be to focus on one topic category.

Make sure to use any synonyms for your keywords throughout the article and anchor text links back to other articles you have written on related or unrelated topics within that same niche. You also want to ensure that there are places where you include your target keywords throughout all of your content.

Keep each post around 450-800 words and write at least 1-2 each day to build up a large amount of content.

By finding keywords in your niche that are getting hundreds of searches every month, and you write articles around those terms, people will naturally link to you once they read your article. A good way to find these high traffic, low competition keyword phrases is using Google Adwords Keyword Tool.

Use titles for all of your social media channels, especially Twitter and Facebook posts, to include keywords related to the topic of the post.


#4. Write For Others Blogs

Write For Others Blogs

If you are a talented writer, there is no need to wait for Google to send traffic your way. Many people online would love to read your work if it was posted on their blog.

Freelance writing has been around for ages, and it remains one of the best ways to make money today. The only thing required from you is talent, dedication, and creativity.

The sky is the limit once you start this venture, so go ahead. This could be a great business. When you start, do not get discouraged because of the rejection you might receive from many sites.

It is a very competitive business, and there will be plenty of rejection but also fulfillment after completing the project successfully.

I have written several articles for others, and I can't complain even one bit about this business because it has helped me stay afloat in my online marketing career. Writing for other blogs is important since it gives you credibility and knowledge.

Be sure to write some awesome blogs to catch the attention of a lot of people. You will have to write for at least 3 or 4 websites before you get your first project, but once you have one project, it is just like starting a marketing campaign that will keep on getting better and better.

Be consistent in your writing for you to become a successful SEO copywriter.

Make money with SEO by writing for others is one of the best ways a newbie in this business could start making money right away.

However, it does require some practice and experience to obtain work from clients since the market is already saturated with people trying to write on their blogs.

But let me tell you that writing for others will get your foot in the door and will allow you to shine later on in life once you have done so much research during your apprenticeship years.

This should go without saying, but I am going to say it anyway – be sure that you stay committed on your course to your career when you are starting as an SEO copywriter.

While it's perfectly fine to do things purely for pleasure and the joy of it, you should also be smart enough to do business when the opportunity presents itself.

I have had clients pay me a lot of money for quality SEO articles because they knew I was in demand as a writer. I have provided them with exactly what they were looking for and went on my way to other projects that would bring me more income.

This is one of the best ways to make money online as a freelance writer or SEO copywriter, write top-notch content, and sell it directly to clients who need someone like you. This is how most freelancers earn their living, focusing on writing high-quality content.


#5. Translate Websites and Blogs

Translate Websites and Blogs

Websites today are getting more popular as they become available in multiple languages.

If your language's website doesn't have an SEO expert, you should consider translating it using Google Translate or any other translator available online free of cost.

This way, if you know how to read English fluently, nothing could stop you from making money with SEO through translation services on websites. Have the courage to start and build up your SEO skills to be at par with the best.

If you find any website or blog that is not getting enough attention from its readers, don't judge that site and pass it by without even thinking about making money with SEO through translation services of that website.

Yes, this is possible, and there are many sites like these online, which have tremendous potential to earn money with SEO through translation services.

You need to start scanning these websites as they become available for translation in multiple languages other than English so you can start earning more profits through your marketing career.


#6. Create and Moderate Forums

Create and Moderate Forums

Forums are an excellent way of learning new things about SEO and get expert advice regarding your queries. Make sure you post genuine content that will get the attention of your visitors.

These forums will help you communicate with like-minded people to discuss any matter of interest. Just make sure you moderate these forums and keep the spammers away, as they can spoil your discussions.

A forum takes lots of time, but it will pay you back in full for everything when powered by SEO, which marketing professionals strive for.

While starting and moderating forums may be tricky, you will become an expert in this field once you have created a few forums and know how to tackle them. This is the reason why you should try your hand at creating new forums, but keep moderation as a top priority.

Before getting started with any SEO undertaking, it is always wise to see whether there are any existing directories featuring sites pertaining to that particular niche or maybe even something like a directory of product review websites that can be optimized using SEO techniques.

Once you find that, it is time for you to go ahead and create a profile on these directories and blogs. Ensure that the information provided on your site is accurate and up-to-date to ensure maximum traffic from these high-authority directories.

If you manage to land a good forum to moderate, you are on your way to a great start for SEO. Doing such things will ensure that the traffic coming from these high-authority blogs and directories is converted into money in the long run.


#7. Guarantee an Online Presence

Guarantee an Online Presence

It goes without saying that if nobody ever knew about your site, it would be next to impossible for you to make any decent amount of income with SEO.

Therefore, having a well-built website with a blog attached and other means of social presence like a Facebook page or Twitter account is vital for success in this field.

Always keep in mind that search engines do not care about how much you know or what content you have on your site unless they are one hundred percent sure that people are using your services because of your exceptional online presence.

To guarantee this, ensure that your site is showing up in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) for the most relevant searches related to your content and services.


#8. Keep an Eye Out on all Major Social Networks and Forums

Keep an Eye Out on all Major Social Networks and Forums

If you were not aware already, search engines regularly check out all major social networks, forums, and other types of internet platforms to see what people are saying about certain websites and how popular they are.

Therefore, even if you have a well-built presence level online, there is still a chance of missing major opportunities to get seen by Google simply because nobody knows who you are yet.

Having a strong social media marketing approach can come in handy since it allows you to get some basic exposure before you start doing your SEO work.

Keeping an eye out on social networks is important because it will help you win the Google SEO battle.

Google+ is a fairly new social network, and at the same time, it is one of the most important ones to win in terms of SEO if you are looking to get your website ranked high. So why should you care about Google+?

Besides having a ton of active members that regularly check out the stream, Google gives preference to links coming from this network. They also use it as another way to establish relevancy between posts and external web pages.

In other words, having your G+ profile linked up with both your website homepage as well as any additional pages that you might have is essential.


#9. Create an Online Community Of Bloggers

Create an Online Community Of Bloggers

Blogging has become a way of life for most people, whether it is personal or professional blogging.

It is a great way to get instant attention from those interested in reading your articles published at one specific location through their respective blogs.

Search engines see blogs as quality sites suitable for ranking high on SERP due to the fact that blog posts are often updated regularly.


#10. Guaranteed Quality

Guaranteed Quality

By writing quality content for your readers, you are indirectly promoting your site as well.

This is one of the best methods SEO experts suggest, and to make sure that it works to its full potential, you need to optimize your articles with proper keyword research, relevant links, and more.

Ensure that you do not copy-paste other people's work without giving them credit for their hard work. Also, Google does not like this practice, so make sure you get a link back to the original author or mention the source in an SEO article.


#11. Try and Sell SEO Services

Try and Sell SEO Services

Selling SEO services is also a great way of generating monthly income from SEO.

People are always looking for ways to get their sites ranked on the 1st page of Google, and you can offer your services as an expert in search engine optimization to help them achieve that goal.

You can promote your services by putting up a simple website with details about what you do and how much it costs. You can even market yourself using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

When people get to know more about your services, they will surely contact you to help them rank their sites.


#12. Sell Application Programming Interface Access

Sell Application Programming Interface Access

If you are an advanced SEO expert and have many resources at your disposal, you can get into the selling of API access with specific keywords or phrases.

This will be applicable if you are ranking for specific competitive keywords with a high amount of search traffic going through them every day.

The right tool plugins for WordPress, eBay, and other software packages have APIs that allow users to easily add these tools to their websites without learning any programming languages or scripts.

You can find companies using such programs and sell them access to these programs so that they can make use of them on their website.

When you do this, you will be able to make money in multiple ways, such as commissions on sales revenue, monthly fees, and renewals. If a company uses your company's SEO software, they will keep coming back to you for updates or upgrades.

It could be anything from website templates to e-book writing programs sold online via affiliate marketing networks like Clickbank.

The advantage of this model is that it can create a passive income stream for you through continuous website traffic, which in turn triggers other purchases from the same person or company all because they wanted access to a specific set of keywords or phrases.


#13. Keyword Selling

Keyword Selling

Another way to make money with SEO is by simply asking people to specifically look at a certain set of keywords relating to whatever business these people are doing.

You should create specific keywords that will be used by your target audience when using search engines like Google & Bing.

Then once you have found people who are intentionally searching for those keywords, approach them with offers to buy the rights to that specific set of words in order to use it on their websites.

This is a very important keyword selling strategy because there are many benefits from doing this. Firstly, you have just made money out of thin air.

Secondly, you are now able to rank on any search engine for terms relevant to your niche without having the same level of competition as everyone else trying to sell similar products online.

Keyword selling will earn you a substantial amount of money if you incorporate the right strategies into it. Be sure to find the right tools that will help you do keyword research for your competitors, as this will save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.

After doing this, sell those same rights to someone else looking to rank their website on exact terms relevant to their niche.

These people may advertise their web pages using these keywords within the content of a blog post, but they might not have paid for the right to use them.

But if you bought these rights from Google Adwords first, you could earn money by selling these same rights off.

It is a great strategy because it takes the work out of researching for low competition keywords, which can take hours or days, depending on the volume of search engine traffic available. While it may be challenging in the beginning, it will eventually be a cakewalk.

The best part about this strategy is that it is not limited to keywords related to your niche. All you need to do is get some knowledge of a few keywords and then check out using an efficient tool to see which of them have a high search volume available.

With over $100 billion spent on paid advertising each year, there is certainly plenty of money that can be made by offering keyword reselling services or even selling a few monthly subscriptions for keyword ideas.


#14. Engagement


This method is very simple but has a big impact. You need to find out pages with a high amount of website engagement for your competitors and then create similar pages with higher engagement or add positive comments to the existing pages.

This is also where you will be creating images for people to pin on Pinterest, as well as following relevant accounts on Twitter that will be interested in reading what you're writing about.

This will increase your earning by increasing traffic to your page. Website engagement is today's one of the best ways to make money with SEO.
It's a great way to make money, and if you don't want people copying your images, you have to use watermarks.

You should also join communities interested in the same things as you and blogging about them from an expert perspective. This will boost traffic to your page by having original content online.

As mentioned before, Google is always evolving, and so are our SEO strategies.

With Google+ being the most popular social media platform at the moment, it makes sense for SEO experts to do something similar, combine their efforts with others and create groups on this network where they can promote themselves together with different products or services they offer, increasing traffic to their website.

As an SEO expert, you should also take advantage of Google Authorship so that more people can see your blog posts and, in turn, boost traffic to it.

Adding relevant keywords is one of the most important aspects for any website because if potential visitors can find it through search engines, then you will get more traffic on your site.

So instead of writing about something vague like "top SEO tips" write something like "10 easy ways to make money with SEO." Use an author box from someone you have referenced within the article.

This is self-explanatory. Just add a link back to them at the bottom of the page. All these strategies will help you boost the engagement of your website.


#15. Web Design

Web Design

This is something you should only do if you have the know-how and resources available to run a website or a digital product. This will allow you to make money from affiliate marketing, coaching, or creating products around this area.

I would recommend visiting web design forums to get the knowledge on how to perfect web designing to enhance the searchability of your website further. Make sure you have a good hosting provider.

Furthermore, when you perfect web design, you can also do web hosting. You can make decent money by selling web hosting services online if you have the knowledge and resources available to get started with it.

You will need to offer some sales pitches for people to buy-in from you. Again, only do this if you already know what you're doing. If not, then stick to writing content and helping others on forums instead.

For you to earn more money with web hosting, you will need to offer good pricing too. You have to be competitive with the other hosting providers out there.

Have your product. Do a lot of research if you plan on making money from this business. This will require you to know how SEO works and what products people want to buy online these days.

A good place to start looking for an idea or niche that could make SEO work for you would be by reading posts on fundamental keyword research strategies.


In conclusion, there are very many ways to make money with SEO. When you know how to do it the right way, and when you have a product that's in high demand online, then chances are you can't go wrong.

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