What Is Inflation?

What Is Inflation?

Inflation is the general increase in prices for goods and services, meaning it takes more money to buy a particular item. A country's central bank determines the inflation rate as an annual percentage.

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Types of inflation

Here are three of the different types of inflation:

❑ Demand-pull Inflation

Demand-pull inflation is a type of inflation that occurs when people increase their purchases of goods and services. This increased demand can lead to shortages and an increase in prices. Usually, demand-pull inflation occurs during periods of rapid economic growth or in an economy where the money supply is expanding rapidly.

❑ Cost-push Inflation

When prices for goods and services begin to rise due to higher costs, this is called cost-push inflation. Rising wages or prices for raw materials can cause cost-push inflation. Cost-push inflation can sometimes lead to a wage-price spiral.

❑ Built-in Inflation

Built-in inflation is the amount that prices go up if the economy is operating at its potential. It is also called "expectations-augmented inflation" because prices adjust to reflect what people expect they will be in the future. If an economy grows faster than potential, then built-in inflation will be positive.

Causes of Inflation

Here are some of the factors that can cause inflation:

The Money Supply

What Is Inflation?

Inflation occurs when an economy's money grows faster than the number of goods and services produced. For example, a bad harvest due to droughts or floods will decrease the supply of goods and cause prices to rise. To compensate for the supply shortage, a central bank will often expand (or "inject") more money into the economy to combat deflation.

Global Demand

When global demand for goods increases, this can also cause inflation. For example, if a country attempts to export more goods, this will increase the demand for those goods in other countries and cause inflation or an oversupply of goods.


When exports decrease, it can also lead to an increase in prices. For example, suppose a country's exports fall in the face of a domestic recession or a drop in international commodity prices. In that case, this will reduce the supply of household goods and cause prices to rise.


Government taxes often cause inflation. If there are high tax rates and little competition among companies, then this will result in high inflation.

Product Substitution

When businesses replace a less profitable product with a more profitable one, it could cause inflation. For example, customers may choose to buy the more expensive product. To compensate for this purchase, the less profitable one must change prices to match the price of the more profitable product. This can cause inflation.

Disruptions in Production

When there are disruptions in production, this will also cause prices to rise. For example, strikes at factories or supply interruptions due to natural disasters can increase the prices of goods and services in an economy.

Effects of Inflation

Inflation affects many areas. These include;

Low Purchasing Power

What Is Inflation?

When prices rise, the purchasing power of the consumer will go down. For example, if the consumer's income remains the same and prices increase, they must spend more money to purchase an item than before. Rising prices mean that each currency unit buys fewer goods and services.

High Debt Levels

When inflation is high, people will see their debt levels increase. For example, when a person takes out a loan with an adjustable interest rate, the debt will increase if there is inflation. This can cause a problem because the person will have to pay more interest to repay the loan.

Narrowing of Interest Rates

When inflation is high, this can cause a narrowing of interest rates. For example, if inflation rises and banks are forced to put up their interest rates, then this means that banks will charge more for loans.


Because the currency's purchasing power falls, this can lead to shortages. In other words, people will be unable to buy certain goods and services because they do not have enough money in their pockets.

Low Savings

When inflation is high, people often stop saving money because they know that prices will rise and their savings will not be worth much. This can mean that people cannot invest in businesses, so the economy will not grow as quickly. When there are fewer investments, then this can also mean less job creation.

Boom-and-bust Cycle

Inflation creates an unstable business environment. Suppose a country experiences a high inflation rate but expects lower inflation levels in the future. In that case, the country may go into recession or depression because businesses will be unwilling to invest under these conditions.

Reducing Inflation

There are several ways of preventing inflation from occurring. Here are some things that can be done to bring down inflation.

Controlling Monetary Supply

What Is Inflation?

Inflation occurs when the money supply increases faster than the economy produces goods and services. If a central bank controls the money supply, it can hold back prices by bringing down inflation rates.

For example, if the money supply increases but the economy is expanding faster, this will cause inflation. However, if the money supply decreases and interest rates rise, this will slow down economic growth and cause deflation.

Controlling Spending

If a country's government attempts to control its citizens' spending, this will also be an effective way to reduce inflation. This can occur by increasing taxes or cutting spending.

For example, if a higher tax rate is imposed on wealthier people, this will effectively control the amount of money that these people can keep in their pockets and cause them to spend less. Furthermore, if income tax rates are raised to cut spending, then this can prevent the economy from growing and cause deflation.

Pulling Back on Government Spending

If inflation continues to rise and the government spends more money on specific projects, this can cause inflation to occur. However, if the government reduces spending (such as by cutting back on military spending), this could alleviate some pressure for prices to rise.

Printing Less Cash

When the government decides to print more money, this generally leads to a higher inflation rate. For example, if a government needs more money to finance budget deficits, it may print more. This can lead to inflation.

Measuring Inflation

There are several ways of measuring inflation. These include:

Consumer Price Index

What Is Inflation?

When the government measures the inflation rate, it often uses the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is calculated by comparing current prices to prices from a base year.

For example, if a basket of goods costs $100 in January 2016 and $110 in January 2017, then there has been 10% inflation since 2016. The Consumer Price Index will be able to measure these price increases and show how much inflation has occurred over time.

Producer Price Index

The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures inflation in the manufacturing sector. It shows how much prices have increased since the base year.

For example, if the price of a car has fallen from $6,000 in January 2015 to $5,500 in January 2016, then there has been a 2.5% deflation since 2015. The Producer Price Index will be able to measure this decrease in prices and show how much deflation has occurred over some time.

GDP Deflator

The GDP Deflator measures inflation in the economy as a whole. It is obtained by comparing the prices of all goods and services used across all sectors of the economy.

For example, if a basket of goods costs $100 in January 2016 and $110 in January 2017, then there has been 10% inflation since 2016. The GDP Deflator will be able to measure these price increases and show how much inflation has occurred over time.

Frequently Asked Questions 

For how long will inflation persist?

Inflation is often called a 'one-off' event. This means that in the short term (a few years), inflation will tend to rise, and then it will fall back to normal levels.

However, it is a long-term trend. In general, this means that inflation will stay as high or higher than it was before.

Why do central banks target inflation?

Inflation is the rate at which more money is going out of the economy than is coming in. If inflation begins to increase, this means that people will start buying less because prices are rising and real income falls. In other words, when prices rise, people will not be able to buy as much with their money.

This means that a state or nation can experience a drop in economic growth and employment if inflation gets too out of control. This is why most central banks target a 2% growth rate for price increases per year, so they can monitor how much it has risen above 2% and decide if they need to act on this figure.

Inflation can be regarded as a massive problem for many countries because it can cause the economy to shrink and can cause unemployment. However, many countries have experienced inflation before, and some have even made it part of their monetary policy.

Why is inflation bad?

When the cost of goods and services keeps rising, people will not be able to buy as much with their money, and this will cause a drop in economic growth and employment. If the cost of goods and services falls, people will be able to buy more with their money.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, inflation can be an alarming problem for countries because it creates a lot of economic instability and uncertainty. However, many countries have shown that they can control inflation through their monetary policy and changing their financial actions.

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